sparrow 0.3.0
No Matches
sparrow::nullable< T, B > Member List

This is the complete list of members for sparrow::nullable< T, B >, including all inherited members.

const_reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
const_rvalue_reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
explicit(not std::convertible_to< U &&, T >) const expr nullable(U &&value) noexcept(noexcept(T(std::declval< U >())))sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
explicit(not impl::both_convertible_from_cref< T, TO, B, BO >) SPARROW_CONSTEXPR nullable(const nullable< TOsparrow::nullable< T, B >
explicit(not impl::both_convertible_from_cond_ref< T, TO, B, BO >) SPARROW_CONSTEXPR nullable(nullable< TOsparrow::nullable< T, B >
flag_const_reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
flag_const_rvalue_reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
flag_reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
flag_rvalue_reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
flag_traits typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
flag_type typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
get() &noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
get() const &noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
get() &&noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
get() const &&noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
has_value() const noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
m_null_flag(rhs.null_flag())sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
m_null_flag(std::move(rhs).null_flag())sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
null_flag() &noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
null_flag() const &noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
null_flag() &&noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
null_flag() const &&noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
nullable classsparrow::nullable< T, B >friend
nullable() noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
nullable(nullval_t) noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
nullable(const self_type &)=defaultsparrow::nullable< T, B >
nullable(self_type &&) noexcept=defaultsparrow::nullable< T, B >
nullable(value_type &&value, flag_type &&null_flag)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
nullable(std::add_lvalue_reference_t< T > value, std::add_lvalue_reference_t< B > null_flag)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
nullable(value_type &&value, std::add_lvalue_reference_t< B > null_flag)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
nullable(std::add_lvalue_reference_t< T > value, flag_type &&null_flag)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
operator bool() const noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >explicit
operator=(nullval_t)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
operator=(TO &&rhs)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
operator=(const self_type &rhs)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
operator=(const nullable< TO, BO > &rhs)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
operator=(self_type &&rhs)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
operator=(nullable< TO, BO > &&rhs)sparrow::nullable< T, B >inline
reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
reset() noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
rhssparrow::nullable< T, B >
rhssparrow::nullable< T, B >
rvalue_reference typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
self_type typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
swap(self_type &other) noexceptsparrow::nullable< T, B >
value() &sparrow::nullable< T, B >
value() const &sparrow::nullable< T, B >
value() &&sparrow::nullable< T, B >
value() const &&sparrow::nullable< T, B >
value_or(U &&default_value) const &sparrow::nullable< T, B >
value_or(U &&default_value) &&sparrow::nullable< T, B >
value_or(U &&default_value) const &-> value_typesparrow::nullable< T, B >
value_or(U &&default_value) &&-> value_typesparrow::nullable< T, B >
value_traits typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >
value_type typedefsparrow::nullable< T, B >