sparrow 0.3.0
No Matches
Here is a list of all concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Rboth_constructible_from_crefConcepts used to disambiguate the nullable class constructors
 Rany_typelistMatches any type which is an instance of typelist
 Rtype_wrapperMatches template types which can be used as type-wrappers for evaluation in type-predicates
 Rct_type_predicateMatches template types that can be evaluated at compile-time similarly to std::true/false_type This makes possible to use predicates provided by the standard
 Rcallable_type_predicateMatches types whose instance can be called with an object representing a type to evaluate it
 Rconstant_iteratorRepresents a constant iterator
 Rconstant_rangeThe constant_range concept is a refinement of range for which ranges::begin returns a constant iterator
 Rbool_convertible_rangeMatches range types whose elements are convertible to bool
 Rboolean_likeMatches types that can be convertible to and assignable from bool
 Rconvertible_rangesMatches range types From whose elements are convertible to elements of range type To
 Riterator_of_typeConcept to check if an iterator is of a specific type
 Rany_arrow_c_interfaceMatches only the C interface structs for Arrow
 Rarrow_schema_or_ptrMatches ArrowSchema or a non-const pointer to an ArrowSchema
 Rarrow_array_or_ptrMatches ArrowArray or a non-const pointer to an ArrowArray
 Riterator_typesConcept for iterator types
 Ris_arrow_base_typeMatches C++ representation types which are supported by default
 Ris_arrow_base_type_extendedChecks if a type is an extended base type for Arrow
 Ris_arrow_traitsMatches valid and complete arrow_traits specializations for type T
 Rhas_arrow_type_traitsMatches types providing valid and complete arrow_traits specialization
 Rany_arrow_typeMatches any type which is one of the base C++ types supported or at least that provides an arrow_traits specialization
 RclonableMatches types that provide a clone method